Random Array Sampling
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This plugin provides various blueprint nodes for generating random samples, possibly weighted, from a source array. Arrays can be of any type, with relative weights attached to favour sampling some items over others. A C++ template function is also provided for use in C++ source code.
Blueprint Nodes
.. _random-sample:
Random Sample
.. image:: /images/random_sample.png
Get a random sample of *Count* items from the *Input Array*. If there are fewer than *Count* items in the input array, the function will return all items in the input array in a random order.
Random Sample From Stream
.. image:: /images/random_sample_from_stream.png
Like :ref:`random-sample` but using a custom random stream.
.. _weighted-sample:
Weighted Sample
.. image:: /images/weighted_sample.png
Get a random sample of *Count* items from the *Input Array*. Each item in the *Input Array* has a weight corresponding to the bias towards sampling that item relative to all the other item weights. There must be at least as many weights in the *Weights* array as there are items in the *Input Array*.
Weighted Sample From Stream
.. image:: /images/weighted_sample_from_stream.png
Like :ref:`weighted-sample` but using a custom random stream.
.. _weighted-shuffle:
Weighted Shuffle
.. image:: /images/weighted_shuffle.png
Shuffle the *Input Array*, returning the entire contents in a different order. Each item in the *Input Array* has a weight corresponding to the bias towards sampling that item relative to all the other item weights. There must be at least as many weights in the *Weights* array as there are items in the *Input Array*.
The result of this function is similar to calling :ref:`weighted-sample` with the *Count* equal to the number of items in the *Input Array*.
Weighted Shuffle From Stream
.. image:: /images/weighted_shuffle_from_stream.png
Like :ref:`weighted-shuffle` but using a custom random stream.
C++ Function
- *Include: "RandomSample.h"*
- *Namespace: RandomShuffles*
.. cpp:function:: template\
Out RandomSample(It begin,\
It end,\
Wt wbegin,\
Out out,\
std::size_t count,\
Rand randFunc)
Randomly select :code:`count` items from the sequence :code:`[begin, end)`, using relative weights in the sequence starting at :code:`wbegin`. Samples will be written in sequence to :code:`out`. The given random number generator, :code:`randFunc`, will be used as the source of randomness.
Template Parameters
- **It** An input iterator type.
- **Wt** An input iterator type with a value type which is convertible to :code:`float`.
- **Out** An output iterator type for which the statement :code:`*out = *in` is well-formed, where :code:`out` is of type :code:`Out` and :code:`in` is of type :code:`It`.
- **Rand** A callable type with the signature :code:`Rand(float, float)`.
- **begin** An input iterator denoting the first item in the sequence to sample from.
- **end** An input iterator one past the end of the sequence to sample from.
- **wbegin** An input iterator denoting the first weight in the sequence of relative weights.
- **out** An output iterator denoting the position in the output sequence to start writing to.
- **count** The number of items to sample.
- **randFunc** A random number generator function.
One past the end of the last output element written to the output sequence, or :code:`out` if no elements were written.
The weight sequence must contain at least as many elements as the input sequence.
The output sequence must be able to write at :code:`min(count, std::distance(begin, end))` elements.
If :code:`count == 0` or :code:`begin == end`, no elements are written.
The :code:`randFunc` parameter accepts a minimum and maximum value and should return a random number between these values.