Constant Nodes

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This plugin provides compact blueprint nodes for a variety of common mathematical and physical constants.

Blueprint Nodes

Generic Constants

Get Euler Number


Get Euler’s number e, the base of natural logarithms

Get Euler Gamma


Get Euler’s constant gamma

Get Half Pi


Get half PI

Get Two Pi


Get two PI

Get Sqrt 2


Get the square root of 2, Pythagoras’ constant

Get Sqrt 3


Get the square root of 3, Theodorus’ constant

Get Golden Ratio


Get the Golden Ratio, phi

Physical Constants

Get Speed Of Light


Get C, the speed of light in a vacuum. Units are m/s.

Get Planck Constant


Get the Planck constant. Units are J/Hz.

Get Reduced Planck Constant


Get the reduced Planck constant. Units are J s.

Get Boltzmann Constant


Get the Boltzmann constant. Units are J / K.

Get Stefan Boltzmann Constant


Get the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, Sigma. Units are W / m^2 / K^4.

Get Coulomb Constant


Get the Coulomb constant. Units are N m^2 / C^2.

Get Gravitational Constant


Get the gravitational constant, G Units are N m^2 / kg^2.

Get Astronomical Unit


Get 1 Astronomical Unit, roughly the distance between the Sun and Earth Units are m.

Get One Parsec


Get 1 parsec, the distance at which one AU subtends an angle of on arcsecond. Units are m.

Planet Masses

Get Sun Mass


Get the mass of the Sun, in kg

Get Mercury Mass


Get the mass of Mercury, in kg

Get Venus Mass


Get the mass of Venus, in kg

Get Moon Mass


Get the mass of the Moon, in kg

Get Earth Mass


Get the mass of Earth, in kg

Get Mars Mass


Get the mass of Mars, in kg

Get Jupiter Mass


Get the mass of Jupiter, in kg

Get Saturn Mass


Get the mass of Saturn, in kg

Get Uranus Mass


Get the mass of Uranus, in kg

Get Neptune Mass


Get the mass of Neptune, in kg

Wave Conversions

Wavelength To Frequency


Convert a wavelength to a frequency. Output units depend on the input units.

Wavelength To Angular Wavenumber


Convert a wavelength to a wavenumber (radians per unit distance). Output units depend on the input units.

Frequency To Wavelength


Convert a frequency to a wavelength. Output units depend on the input units.

Frequency To Angular Wavenumber


Convert a frequency to a wavenumber (radians per unit distance). Output units depend on the input units.

Angular Wavenumber To Wavelength


Convert a wavenumber (radians per unit distance) to a wavelength. Output units depend on the input units.

Angular Wavenumber To Frequency


Convert a wavenumber (radians per unit distance) to a frequency. Output units depend on the input units.