Container Utils¶
This plugin provides blueprint nodes for common Array utilies such as filtering and transforming. Arrays can be of any type, and if/else logic and type mapping is performed by setting a by-ref values.
Blueprint Nodes¶
Filter Array¶

Select items from in input array into a new array, choosing only those items for which the Select Item
boolean is set to true during the loop.

Take Count
items from the beginning of the input array and copy them to a new array. If Count
is larger than size of the input array, all items from the input array are selected.
Take Until¶

Take items from the beginning of the input array and copy them to a new array for as long as the value of the Break
node is false. Set Break
to true to stop taking.

Drop Count
items from the beginning of the input array and copy the remaining items to a new array. If Count
is larger than the size of the input array, no items from the input array are selected.
Drop Until¶

Drop items from the beginning of the input array for as long as the value of the Break
node is false. Set Break
to true to stop dropping and copy the remaining items to a new array.

Perform a reduce, or left fold, operation on an input array. Set the reduced value node by reference in the inner loop to perform arbitrary accumulations, filtering, transformations such as casting or other reductions.
Map Array¶

Transform each item in the input array to a new value, possibly even a new type, and copy the resulting value into a new array. Set the mapped value by reference.